Monday, November 16, 2015

Anti aging Tips

Growing old is a part of our human existence, it is something that we must all face at some point in our life. For me, as a parent, it is a topic that I think about almost every day. It is hard to think that my oldest daughter who is now 12 years old is not that far away from turning 18. One night, I was talking to my wife that in the not too far distant future that we are going to have little ones call us grandma and grandpa.

I often wonder what type of grandparent would I be, would I be the type that would just sit around in a rocking chair and watch TV or would I be active with my grandkids. I bet, that at some point in your life you may have said this statement, "I want to look young again." As we advance in age, there are 4 concerns that will arise, especially among men, that comes as a consequence of getting old. This article will focus on men, but the next article I will focus on women.
So here are the four concerns that men will face as they get older:

1. Loss of hair. Out in the market, there is a big push for growing back hair products because men will think that when they start to lose their hair that it will affect their self-esteem and attractiveness to women. Men fear that they will become the punch-line to some bald joke that will cause them to be the laughing-stock in the community.
2. Having cancer in the prostate. When anyone hears that word, cancer, it will usually mean two things, go through extensive chemotherapy treatments or death. Having an enlarged prostate will also cause a lack of desire to have sex because men fear that they will get made fun of because of their huge prostate.
3. Getting old. Men fear getting old usually means loss of muscles, poor vision, false teeth, constant aches and pains, sagging skin, and wearing adult size diapers. One of the downsides of getting old, when it comes to employment, you will always get passed over by someone who is much younger and stronger.
4. Having sex over 50. Programmed into a man's mind is a desire to have sex. He must constantly prove himself as the alpha male. This is one of the greatest fears that men will face when they get older because they will no longer have that desire to have sex with their wife. This will cause their self-esteem to drop because they will think that they are useless now.
In conclusion to this article, there are many more topics that we as humans will face as we advance in age, but for the moment, I have focused on these four concerns that men will face and hopefully, open their eyes and take good care of themselves by exercising and eating right, even while the gray hairs are settling in. That statement that I mentioned in the first paragraph of this article, I want to look young again, is a reality,

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